Workshop visit

Studio view 2023, Aqualithe foreground , Canvas: Dawn in the open sea, Ecotopia project, 2022

Welcome to my Synoessis workshop, located at 41 Route de Saint-Pancrace. The name “Synoessis” has its roots in the Greek word for “understanding” or “union”, which perfectly reflects the spirit of the place. This space is much more than just a place to create; it’s a fertile breeding ground for collective epics that resonate with the ecological, social and philosophical challenges of our time.

My work is deeply inspired by nature and aims to explore our intimate relationship with it. Through photographs of bodies immersed in natural environments, I seek to capture the essence of our connection with the earth. You’ll also discover canvases where nature becomes more than just a subject; it’s a collaborator, even a guide. In these works, I often feel like nature’s assistant, following its cues and impulses.

During your visit to this studio, you’ll encounter works in progress that aspire to dialogue with the pressing questions of our world. This dialogue continually enriches my work, and I hope it will bring new depth to your own experience of art.

I invite you to join this ongoing adventure, share your perspectives and contribute to the unique energy of this space. Your presence and your thoughts are an invaluable source of enrichment.

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