Nouvelle Vague – Exhibition catalog

With works co-created with Aimée Fleury

Texts by Enrico Debandi, Rebecca François, Pulcherie Galmer, Luigi Garcia and Benoit Barbagli.

Photographs: – LesMoustachesADV

Hard cover – 100 pages



As certain as a wave washing ashore heralds the next, the New Wave remains the same, yet breaks with its predecessor. A continuous, cyclic, unalterable breath whose surge on the shore is its singular expression, telling a whole word and each time different.

If there is a break, what is it? A new aesthetic? A manifesto? The manifest belongs to nature, and the aesthetic is deconstructed.

What Nouvelle Vague borrows from the eponymous film movement of the last century is not the intellectual or technical heritage of its authors and actors, but the profound rupture it evokes. It is not the rupture of one generation asserting itself against another, of artists and authors against others. On the contrary, it is a gesture of withdrawal. A break with individualism and its egotic production, a break with the cultural extraction of man from nature, a break perhaps even with man himself.

The New Wave is like an attempt to retreat from the omnipresent anthropocene ego, where the artist is transformed into an assistant, a sherpa, a supporter of the surrounding natural forces. ( read more …)






First publication: 04/2022

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