Counting bodies – Villa Arson – November 24, 2013 – January 13, 2014

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This exhibition brings together, in a scenography close to a cabaret-gymnasium, a selection of works and performances on the triple theme “athletes, artists, burlesques”, bringing into play the notion of bodily competence.

Singular in its form, it is conceived as a moving proposal, in several sequences, punctuated by the “Weekends of Modification” (happening, cinema, performance), with the introduction – or substitution – of new works modifying the form of the hanging until its final version.

A specific cinema program, Cinéma Omnisport, which articulates different axes common to sport and cinema (machine bodies, popular elegance, transgender images), is designed by Patrice Blouin in collaboration with L’ECLAT.



November 24, 2013 – January 13, 2014

opening Saturday November 23 at 6 p.m.



Following an educational project carried out jointly with the art / action option of the

HEAD – Geneva (High School of Art and Design – Geneva), this exhibition brings together, in

a scenography close to a cabaret-gymnasium, a selection of works and performances

on the triple theme “athletes, artists, burlesques”, bringing into play the notion of competence




Singular in its form, it is conceived as a proposal in motion, in

several sequences, punctuated by the “Week-ends de la Modification” (happening, cinema,

performance), with the introduction – or substitution – of new works modifying the

form of the hanging until its final version. At the end of these successive modifications,

the opening exhibition will be transformed into a new finishing exhibition: a

exhibition to be seen “from both ends”.



A specific cinema program, Cinema Omnisport, which articulates different axes

common to sport and cinema (machine bodies, popular elegance, transgender images),

is designed by Patrice Blouin in collaboration with L’ECLAT.

Finally, in conjunction with the exhibition, the book Des Corps Compétents (Sportsmen, Artists,

Burlesques), published by the Presses du Réel – Collection Villa Arson.


With texts by Patrice Blouin, Elie During, Yan Duyvendak, Eric Duyckaerts, Christophe

Kihm and Arnaud Labelle-Rojoux. (from a study day that took place at the Villa Arson

September 7, 2012). Editorial direction: Patrice Blouin. Graphic design: Julien Bouillon



Wilfrid Almendra, Benoît Barbagli, Guillaume Bijl, Karim Bel Kacem, Sabrina Biro & Charlyne

Kolly, Olivier Blanckart, Caroline Bosc, Anna Byskov, Laurie Charles, Lorraine Châteaux,

Nathalie Corthay, Esmeralda Da Costa, Wim Delvoye, Arnaud Dezoteux, Bertrand Dezoteux,

Lucile Diacono, Olivier Dollinger, Anne-Sophie Duforets, Timothée Dufresne, Camille

Dumond, Raphaël Emine, Laurent Faulon, Mathilde Fernandez, Massimo Furlan, France

Gayraud, Alice Guittard, Amandine Guruceaga, Magali Halter, Lucie Henault, Jacques Julien,

Mélanie Knopf, Arnaud Labelle-Rojoux, The Underwater Club, Mathilde Lehmann, Edouard

Levé, Rafaela Lopez, Sandra Lorenzi, Estrid Lutz & émile Moule, éric Madeleine, Baptiste

Masson, Gabriel Méo, Adrien Mesot, Grégoire Motte, Simon Nicolas, Presence Panchounette,

Bruno Peinado, Gaël Peltier, David Perréard, Qingmei Yao, Delphine Reist, Georgia René-

Worms, Jeanne Roche, Giordano Rush, Lionel Scoccimaro, Ugo Schiavi, Raphaëlle Serre,

Quentin Spohn, Jean-Sebastien Tacher, Taroop & Glabel, Nelly Toussaint, Anne-Sophie Turion

& Jeanne Moynot, Rémi Voche, Agathe Wiesner, Giuliana Zefferi.



Curator: Arnaud Labelle-Rojoux

In collaboration with HEAD – Geneva

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February 3, 2024